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Java Convert

Sample Application Source Code

Interested in seeing a sample Java application source code that has been translated from PowerBuilder? Please provide information in the box below and we will send you:

  • original PowerBuilder application source code

  • the Java application source code resulting from our translation process.
By examining the native Java source code you will see that:
  • each PowerBuilder type is mapped to an equivalent Java type with the same name

  • the names of all methods and variables are preserved

  • original PowerBuilder comments are carried over and inserted in the appropriate location in Java
For a more detailed understanding of the generated code, please refer to our ‘Generated Code Design’ document which will be included with the source code. It is also available on this site under JConvert/PB.

Please send me a sample application so I can see the power of Techné’s JConvert/PB.
My name is:
My email is: 

Thank you for requesting sample application source code. You will receive your zip file by email shortly. A member of our sales team will also contact you within 3 business days to address any questions or concerns you may have.