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Java Convert

Software Mining® Technologies

Techné’s Software Mining® technologies serve as a foundation for the development of our advanced applications. These advanced tools mine software to identify, extract and manage valuable system artifacts. Using these proprietary technologies, our team of re-engineering experts develops and provides automated software migration and transformation services for companies world-wide that want to work more efficiently with their legacy systems.

Utilizing Software Mining® technologies as a framework with widespread application capabilities, Techné’s experts have been able to respond quickly to the IT market’s rapidly changing and evolving needs.

These changes can be attributed to the large-scale consolidation currently underway in the application platform and database markets, specifically involving .Net and Java on the application development side, and Oracle and DB2 on the database side. This consolidation has resulted in a movement towards open systems and Web-based services, creating opportunities for tools that migrate systems to market-leading platforms.

Techné has recognized these opportunities and has responded with JConvert/PB, advanced technology that converts legacy PowerBuilder applications into Java-based ones quickly, cleanly and safely.

Some examples are:

  • Conversion of PowerBuilder applications to Java n-tier (product currently uder development)

  • Automated language translation and transformation

  • Forensic software analysis and expert witness testimony

  • Architectural re-discovery

  • Software metrics for software evolution